Intentional living immersed in diverse urban ecology
The Hawk’s Nest Community is composed of two large homes sharing the same land in Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood. Located on the bluffs overlooking the Milwaukee River Greenway, we are striving to build a different way of living.
You can live here in a private rental, stay for a few nights in one of our guest rooms or use our site for a day retreat. Our kitchens, gardens, trails and most living spaces are shared by those who join us. Contact us at
We believe...
Life is better lived surrounded by beauty and creativity.
The daily practice of sustainability should be a norm, not an extreme.
Independence and community are not at odds.
If you have a good thing going, you should share it!
Living from Abundance
More than anything else, living from abundance is a mindset. It sits in stark contrast to living from a place of scarcity. We believe that there is enough. That we are with the right people. That there is sufficient time. And that from this place one can heal what needs healing and manifest what needs to be in the world.
Make such a place with us
Imagine a place where the land is abundant with seasonal foods, and the kitchens burst forth with the frequent smells of homemade breads, delicious dinners and morning mint tea. There is a thriving group of curious and interesting people that both live and visit here to expand one's thinking. Curiosity, laughter, dialogue, music, growth and play … all are abundant in this place.
Imagine a place full of people who also understand the need for alone time. Time, space and freedom is needed to reflect, practice, recharge and just be. Accordingly, there is an abundance of space and freedom, be it found through time in one’s own quiet room, while weeding the garden or through a walk in nature out our back door.
Imagine a place where you can find support from others when you need it (and name it), while offering the same in return. And, at the same time, a place that is safe enough to welcome being challenged.
Are we seeking perfection? Impossible, we know. However, our premise is that kindness, communication and intention can make it nearly so.
Care to join us?
We may have a openings for long-term tenants, with hopes to attract interesting and interested, like-minded people from diverse backgrounds who, like us, believe that one’s life is enriched when living in the company of others.